LMFAO as said half of those arent even torrent sites but forums Just Download and hit and run off those files hahaha the POPO will be at your door to stick you in handcuffs anyways so why cheat on em. And the other 1/4 have FBI, MPAA, RIAA, people all scouring them so no need cheating on them anyways. If your downloading off sites like that theres not really any reason to be using GT anyways since 3/4 of their torrents are taken from public sites and dont effect your ratios anyways. No sence mentioning those sites either since you wont be able to get an account on them anyways.Īlso I see you mentioned demonoid and a few others. Maybe check these links to ensure what they acctually are before making them public info?Īlso some of the sites mentioned are invite only or closed completely from new signup communities. I see quite a few forums listed there as torrent sites. Need some help pulling your head outta a$$ Come on you need to know what you are talking about before you post. While I'm at it, those are mostly low level private sites come boys wheres the big names? Filelist and Demonoid arent considered private.

Oh BTW just because the sites name is Acid, doesnt mean its Acids site.

Why do you have forum sites on there? Loser. Post all the private sites you know ill update the list as you add more! Posted: Wed 3:03 am Post subject: Private Site List! > Chat, flaming and discussions about ethics